Premarital Counseling & Coaching

Premarital Counseling, Premarital Counselor, Gurgaon

Evaluate, Learn and Prepare better before your marriage!

Premarital, Individual & Couple Counseling

Are you getting married or thinking about it?

We strongly suggest our premarital counseling sessions that will help you understand each other better and prepare you to a smoother life ahead. 

Premarital counseling helps couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counselling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship — giving you a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage.

Why should one opt for Premarital Counseling?

Typically, the goal of premarital counselling is to evaluate, identify and address any potential areas of conflict in a relationship early on, before those issues become serious concerns, and teach partners effective strategies for discussing and resolving conflict.

Partners seeking counselling before marriage may also find that premarital counselling can help them better understand their expectations about marriage and address any significant differences in a safe and neutral environment.

Couples counselling can help intimate partners address concerns that arise in the course of their relationship, but premarital counselling can help partners identify areas likely to cause conflict later on—finances, child-rearing methods, career goals, and family dynamics, among others—and either work through these issues in the early stages of the relationship, if possible, or develop a plan to address them in the years to come.

In premarital counseling sessions, couples have the chance to explore topics like finances, children, and intimacy—three areas where many couples experience challenges. Partners can also develop communication and conflict resolution skills and address any fears they might have about marriage, whether these concerns result from one’s personal relationship history, family background, or otherwise.

In talking with your prospective partner / fiance about any of these you may find some questions cause you to feel upset or concerned. Ashish Sehgal offers premarital counselling in New Delhi & Gurgaon for couples who are committed to building their marriage and gaining the skills for communicating and avoiding fighting that damages the relationship.

Premarital counseling is also an excellent venue in which to raise issues the couple may not have thought about such as how they intend to manage finances, how they might split household chores, how they plan to handle holidays, how to discipline the children, and the like. The counselor can also guide the couple in identifying what they saw in their parents’ marriages and what they want to imitate or not imitate in their own marriage.

Some of the issues that get discussed during the premarital counselling are

  • Meaning of Your Marriage Commitment
  • Life Long Goals
  • Mutual Expectations
  • Living Arrangements
  • Children Issues / Philosophies
  • Money & Finance
  • Parents & In-Laws
  • Gender Role Expectations
  • Issues about intimate moments
  • How to resolve conflicts
  • Spiritual life
  • Extra-marital relationship concerns
  • A few other topics of personal nature

NLP helps you build better relationships!

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is undoubtedly the best system that helps you program you down mind, just the way you want it to be. We strongly believe that circumstances and responses of each person are different from the rest, and therefore the therapy and solutions will surely very different from others.

The focus of our NLP based coaching in on outcomes that you define for yourself, and the therapy / coaching processes will in accordance to the beliefs you wish to hold for your own purposes. 

Ashish Sehgal

Ashish Sehgal has been working with people facing various personal, professional and social challenges since more than two decades. He has a vast experience and has worked with thousands of individuals, couples and families to help them with the problems they have faces in the lives, related to relationships.

He is Certified & Licenced as ‘Master Coach of NLP‘ & Licenced Trainer of NLP‘ by the Original Society of NLP; and also Accredited by American Board of Hypnotherapy & NLP as a Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer

He has been widely published in many major publications like ‘The Hindustan Times‘ ,  Asian Age, The Deccan Chronicle & The Economic Times. He has been an expert answering relationship questions in the ‘E-Times (The Times on India Online).

His practical methods have brought solutions with peace, joy and happiness in many lives. It is time for you to consult him and get customized coaching.

Learn to Relax with Ashish Sehgal NLP Sessions

How do our coaching sessions work?

Start Your Journey
In order to start your journey with Ashish Sehgal, you can send a message to establish a contact via whastapp, a call or the contact form. It would be better if you include a brief about the topic you would want to consult about. 

Getting to know you session. (Free)
Then a phone / online video session can be scheduled to discuss the goals, the challenges and the road map. This discussion is optional, absolutely free of charges and is subject to availability. The duration of this discussion can be up to 30 minutes. 

Starting the Sessions
At this stage we start the pre-scheduled sessions. Each session is 60 minutes long. These sessions are pre-paid as per the plan chosen by the client. Various fee plans are available in the fee section

The sessions can be taken Online or Offline as per your convenience. Online sessions are available all over the world within 10 AM IST to 5PM IST. Offline sessions are available at out New Delhi & Gurgaon offices.  

Coaching , Counseling, Therapy with Ashish Sehgal, in New Delhi & Gurgaon

Let's Talk & Resolve

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