I am a finacially stable women in a difficult marriage of 9 years. My mother in law has never allowed us to have a normal relationship

Question: I am a finacially stable women in a difficult marriage of 9 years. My mother in law has never allowed us to have a normal relationship as she tries to keep my husband away on the presect of his illness. We are made to stay in different homes. He lives with his mother as she takes care of him and I am forced to live in a different appartment rented by me. I am not even allowed to see him in hospital for long or participate in his wellness plans. I want to retain my marriage and stay with my husband. What do I do?

Answer: I understand that you are in a difficult marriage where your mother-in-law has never allowed you to have a normal relationship with your husband. You have been forced to live separately from your husband for the past 9 years, with him staying with his mother and you living in a separate apartment. This situation has been made even more challenging as you are not allowed to participate in your husband’s wellness plans or visit him in the hospital for long.

It is commendable that you want to retain your marriage and stay with your husband despite the difficulties you are facing. However, it is important to address the underlying issues that are causing these challenges in your marriage.

I would suggest having an open and honest conversation with your husband about how you feel and how the current situation is affecting your marriage. It may also be helpful to seek the help of a professional counselor who can guide you both through this process and help you find ways to improve your relationship.

You may also need to have a conversation with your mother-in-law about the impact her actions are having on your marriage. It may be helpful to have a neutral third party present during this conversation to ensure that it remains respectful and productive.

Ultimately, it will take a concerted effort from all parties involved to overcome these challenges and work towards a healthier and more fulfilling marriage.

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