My live-in boyfriend keeps instructing me everything as if I a stupid. What do I do ?

Question: My live-in boyfriend keeps instructing me everything as if I a stupid. What do I do ?

Answer: It’s not healthy or respectful for your live-in boyfriend to talk to you in a condescending manner or make you feel inferior. Here are some suggestions on how to address this issue:

Talk to him: Communicate your concerns with your boyfriend and explain how his behavior is affecting you. Use “I” statements to express how his words and actions are making you feel. For example, you could say, “I feel belittled when you constantly instruct me on how to do things.”

Set boundaries: Be clear about what you will and won’t tolerate in your relationship. Let your boyfriend know that you expect to be treated with respect and that you won’t tolerate condescending behavior.

Consider couples therapy: If you’re struggling to address this issue on your own, it may be helpful to seek the help of a couples therapist. A therapist can help facilitate communication and provide tools and strategies for building a healthy relationship.

Seek support: If your boyfriend continues to treat you poorly despite your efforts to address the issue, it may be helpful to seek support from friends and family. Having a strong support system can help you stay strong and make healthy choices.

Remember, a healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. If your boyfriend is unwilling to change his behavior and treat you with the respect you deserve, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

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