Building Rapport in Social Media Marketing

Building your individual, professional or brand’s rapport online may sound easy with a variety of tools and social media platforms available, but managing the right kind of rapport with a consistent message, without getting too repetitive isn’t actually a cakewalk.  Building online rapport is not fully accomplished by advertising. In fact, advertising is more of…


Rapport is one of the basic requirements of effective communications.  It is one of the most fundamental tool that helps almost all walks of life where we need to communicate and get desired results. As Wiki puts it – Rapport is a term used to describe the relationship of two or more people who are…

Startup Business – Getting your initial clients…

Starting a business, and looking for customers?  There are numerous ways one can do it, and some are relatively less expensive. One of the easiest ways to understand who are the customers for your products or services is to check and identify other related businesses in your field. They usually serve the same target clientele….