Family Therapy. Family Counseling, Family Coaching with Ashish Sehgal

Tips for effective communication within the family

Communication is not just about talking within the family; it’s a sign of respect, affection, and concern. 

According to the the best family & relationship coaches, family communication happens not only in verbal expressions but also in physical expressions, gestures, and even affectionate expressions within the family. Family members express each other’s needs, love, desires, advice, etc., within the family through communication.

Family communication is a very different form of communication. Delhi family coaches say there are four types of family communication. Clear and direct, clear and indirect, masked direct and masked indirect communication. Each of these styles has its strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the communicator must decide which kind to use depending on the situation.

Many tips can be practiced to make the communication between the family members more effective.

Let us see some of them!

Be positive

Negative and ironic communication destroys the warmth of family conversations. Do not over-criticize or approach everything negatively. They can be remedied, but try to be as positive as possible. Active communication is far more influential and effective than criticism. Let the communication be appreciating, encouraging, supporting and soothing.

Negative Exaggeration is unaccepted

Many people tend to overstate their feelings in their families. Exaggeration is used to relieve mental tension, but it can disrupt family harmony. Be generous within the tolerance of others when speaking and expressing your feelings. Frequently exaggerated conversations can make others bored and suspicious of your words and actions.

Let it be more than just verbal.

Make family communication more than just verbal expression. The existence of other families can also convey a lot. The presence of parents conveys the message of safety, love and care to children. Similarly, the company of a spouse gives a sense of warmth. Be generous with your affectionate gestures in communication.

Be clear, be gentle and be precise.

Being transparent, calm, and accurate is a rule that applies to all communications, similar to family communication. Do not leave space for others to accept and interpret in family communication. If you have something to say to your child or spouse, clarify your claim in the most convenient way possible. Expressions of anger and careless words are neglected and may not be responded to as expected.

Be An Active Listener

Listening to others is an integral part of effective communication. Being a positive listener means doing your best to understand the other person’s point of view. It is essential to pay close attention to verbal and non-verbal messages, whether you are listening to your spouse or children. As a positive listener, you need to recognize and respect the other person’s perspective.

Making Sense of Communication in the family

Communication should not be like a routine ritual at home. Find an opportunity to talk to other members at home at any time of the day. Solve communication and other family problems with the help of family coaching in Gurgaon or our family coaching in Delhi. Frequent and casual contact helps you express your feelings accurately and encourages others to speak. Mutual communication helps people grow in a loving relationship with each other.

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